We Will Increase Your Loan Volume
- Immediate SBA loan volume generation by using our dedicated business development division, Business Finance Group (link to BFGloan.com), which has a proven track record consistently ranked in the top 40 lenders by loan volume in our region.
- Improved SBA funding efficiency ratio from our streamlined loan process.
- Assistance and hands-on training with your staff in identifying ways the SBA loan program will benefit your customer’s financing needs.
We Will Improve Your Credit Quality
- Comprehensive qualitative credit evaluation and sophisticated credit analysis tools that are considered among the best in the industry.
- Well-documented, uniform loan package and procedures that will mitigate potential repairs or denials of SBA guaranty.
- Loan product diversification away from real estate loan concentration.
- Loan exposure reduction using SBA guaranty of the loan up to 75% and higher under special SBA program directives.
We Will Increase Your Profitability
- Immediate income generation using our proven turnkey variable cost services (We earn our fee, only when the loan funds).
- Significant reduction investment in personnel cost, personnel turnover and personnel learning curve experience to maintain a fully functional small business lending operation.
- Increase yields and capital from the development of a long-term successful SBA loan program.See analysis of our historical performance of loan portfolio under our management.